
Does the end justify everything else?

Does the end always justify the means? That is a question that we as learning humans must ask ourselves often. Blood Diamond, Directed by Edward Zwick, shows life as it is in some parts of africa. It shows how rebel forces raid small villages taking them as slaves to work in the diamond minds. Before i lived in africa for two years, i really didn't understand how that could be possible. I didn't understand how life could possibly be like that for people in this day and age. I never witnessed anything quite as horrific as what is portrayed in this movie, but it does in fact occur in select regions across africa. There are over 200,000 child soldiers across africa dealing with illegal business transactions against their will. After watching this movie i had an interesting conversation with a group of people and to my surprise some of them were for child labour laws. So, in accordance with the movie, should children be able to pick up a rifle and fight for their country? I am curious to see what everyone has to say since i received almost an equal amount of votes for each side. However, whether you are for or against child military laws, watch this movie because it shows how much justifying the end for the means can ruin a whole nation.

Click here for more movie info.

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