
Learning to become free

This movie is one of my favorite movies of all time and for this reason i have picked this to be my 20th post on this blog. The Shawshank Redemption has an amazing story line of how one man is falsely accused of the murder of his wife and sent to a high security prison. In prison Andy, played by Actor Tim Robbins, learns to overcome his problems and at the end of the movie he reaches what he was searching for. Now to talk about the deeper meaning starting with the dual message of the title. Most viewers would look at the title and think that it means being redeemed from the prison named Shawshank. How true that is, most viewers would miss the second meaning. Andy learns life in prison. He learns how to help and teach others during his stay in Shawshank so really he is being redeemed with his experience he learned during prison. As you watch the movie, pay attention to the different types of redemption he receives. Also, most of this movie occurs in the dark. At night, the prisoners are left at a very dark time with only their thoughts. The death of tommy is taken place at night as he dies in a spot light. The light signifies the truth and redemption. This is most evident at the end of the movie when Andy is freed from Shawshank. At the end of the movie their are no shadows portraying that everything is what it seems and that there are no hidden lies. Another interesting symbol in the movie is the symbolism of water. Water in this movie symbolizes purity and freedom. The journey Andy makes through the sewage pipes to gain his freedom is a journey through a corrupt sense of freedom, symbolized with the dirty sewage water, to him climbing out and standing in the rain as he is being washed of the sewage by pure rain water symbolizes his true freedom. I love how we can relate to this movie of making ourselves free from corruption and becoming pure in the light of truth.

Click here for more movie info.

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