
Can we create an ideal society?

The Village directed by M. Night Shyamalan portrays a life in which a group of people break away from normal society and create an entire new society of people in a town far away hidden in a group of woods. The reason these people created such a secluded village was to create an ideal in life. As the movie plays out, you come to find out that each of the leaders of this town had tragic stories that happened to them or their family members including murder, theft, and just horrific life styles. They then got together and decided that they would create this ideal lifestyle where they could control everything and more important stop those things from happening. To keep everyone in the town, they created this elaborate idea that there are monsters that live in the nearby woods. They said that a tready exists between them and these monsters that if you didn’t breach their borders, they wouldn’t come into the village. The interesting thing is that towards the end of the movie, with all the perfect elements of their ideal society, an attempt of murder came into play and they realized that you can’t really control a society without taking away their agency to live. I found it interesting in life that we sometimes try to create this ideal heaven for ourselves thinking that no matter what happens, nothing wrong will fall into our laps. We are mistaken that in order to create such a society where complete control is present, our agency to act is not.


Seeing Signs

As I watched the movie Signs directed by M. Night Shyamalan, I love the comparison it makes between seeing signs, and really seeing signs. The whole movie portrays the fact that aliens are coming and that Mel Gibson has lost his faith in God because he lost his wife a few years back. Because he lost his wife, he stopped his practice as a priest and stopped all affiliation with god. There is this amazing part in the movie where he gives a speech about two groups of people. Group A see’s signs and think that what ever happens, they are always being watched over so what ever happens it will always turn out ok. Group B see’s signs and they know that whatever happens they are alone. Mel Gibson considers himself in group B when his brother is considered to be in group A. Towards the end of the movie, Mel Gibson learns that everything happens for a reason and that God really was watching over him. I loved the lesson we all need to learn that no matter what happens in life we need to know that we are always being watched over.


operation failure

It’s amazing how influential the Nazi regime was with the people of Germany and the world. The movie valkyrie starring actor Tom Cruise, portrays the life and reality of the shear tyranny and brutality of the infamous Adolf Hitler. Its interesting how operation valkyriewas perfectly planned and yet due to a series of minor mishaps the entire plan collapsed. What’s interesting to me is how only a few men compared to the army Hitler so easily controlled realized the true intentions of his plans. The awful reality is that they did not succeed in their attempt to assassinate Hitler during one of his counsel meetings. I thought about the outcome of the final moments during the attempted assassination and I would bet that the officers must have pondered the thought that would killing Hitler really do that much of a difference if his elite officers still pursued the same intentions. I also think that the main officers in charge of the operation valkyrie somewhat new that even if they succeeded with their operations, there would be a very small chance they would get away with it un recognized. I think they should have just pulled the gun when they were in close contact with Hitler. Sure they would have been killed and called a traitor, however, as it turns out, that is what happened anyways.


We as a society have crashed

It isn’t very often you come across a movie that is so deep with emotion it tugs at your heartstrings nearly the entire time. A movie that portrays life as it is and not as an ideal, a movie so meaningful that when the credits start to roll you find yourself pondering the message over and over again even into the late hours of the night. Crash, directed by Paul Haggis shows racial discrimination taking place in Los Angeles with multiple happenings depicting the very real melting pot in which we exist. It is interesting the history of our nation with racial discrimination starting with the African American slaves to the Irish emigrants. It seems that no matter the situation there will always be some form of discrimination based on our heritage, looks, language, or simply a family name. Its also interesting the thinking of whether or not these thoughts can be extinguished or not? Is it possible that we as a human race can stop all racial discrimination? I believe that because of our differences we have many wonderful things in life, but also with our differences, we have created many wars and conflicts with the shedding of blood just because of those diversities. The movies makes you think there will be a resolve to these discriminations, but the movie ends with a scene starting a conflict of racial differences all over again. We as a prideful human race will never see the day that racial discrimination will be completely eliminated from our life’s.