
Seeing Signs

As I watched the movie Signs directed by M. Night Shyamalan, I love the comparison it makes between seeing signs, and really seeing signs. The whole movie portrays the fact that aliens are coming and that Mel Gibson has lost his faith in God because he lost his wife a few years back. Because he lost his wife, he stopped his practice as a priest and stopped all affiliation with god. There is this amazing part in the movie where he gives a speech about two groups of people. Group A see’s signs and think that what ever happens, they are always being watched over so what ever happens it will always turn out ok. Group B see’s signs and they know that whatever happens they are alone. Mel Gibson considers himself in group B when his brother is considered to be in group A. Towards the end of the movie, Mel Gibson learns that everything happens for a reason and that God really was watching over him. I loved the lesson we all need to learn that no matter what happens in life we need to know that we are always being watched over.

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