
We as a society have crashed

It isn’t very often you come across a movie that is so deep with emotion it tugs at your heartstrings nearly the entire time. A movie that portrays life as it is and not as an ideal, a movie so meaningful that when the credits start to roll you find yourself pondering the message over and over again even into the late hours of the night. Crash, directed by Paul Haggis shows racial discrimination taking place in Los Angeles with multiple happenings depicting the very real melting pot in which we exist. It is interesting the history of our nation with racial discrimination starting with the African American slaves to the Irish emigrants. It seems that no matter the situation there will always be some form of discrimination based on our heritage, looks, language, or simply a family name. Its also interesting the thinking of whether or not these thoughts can be extinguished or not? Is it possible that we as a human race can stop all racial discrimination? I believe that because of our differences we have many wonderful things in life, but also with our differences, we have created many wars and conflicts with the shedding of blood just because of those diversities. The movies makes you think there will be a resolve to these discriminations, but the movie ends with a scene starting a conflict of racial differences all over again. We as a prideful human race will never see the day that racial discrimination will be completely eliminated from our life’s.


  1. I think the movies main message was twofold:

    One: racism is irrational. People's prejudices are misplaced and uniformed.

    Two: Racism does not discriminate. All people have prejudices and are racist in their own way.

    MY REVIEW: probably my favorite movie of all time, though it would probably be tied for the #1 spot with about ten other movies.

  2. Every part with the hispanic guy are my favorites. When he is telling his daughter about the magic cloak, when the incident happens with the shooting, and when he is in her room that night looking out the window wondering how such a miracle happened. All so great. Beautiful movie, incredibly faith promoting.

  3. Do you remember the beginning part of the movie. It says where the meaning of the movie comes from. It is a little different from your post's heading . . . .
