
The freedoms we take for granted

This was such a wonderful film. Every time i watch it i feel this sense of overwhelming emotion and gratitude for the freedoms we have. Hotel Rwanda shows a life that existed and in other parts of the world exist. A world where people beat, rape, any even kill because they have different color of skin, belong to a different religion, or in this movie, belong to a different tribe. Don Cheadle plays a hotel manager in the country of Rwanda during the civil unrest against the two differing tribes. Some times the hardest thing to grasp is how no one seems to care about what is happening. During the movie it takes a miracle just to receive attention from other countries to pay attention to the genocide that is taken place. After living in africa for two years, i got a taste of the world seems to forget about africa and just think, " We don't care about africa". It is a hard thing to say but don't we as a people tend to think that way. Just look at the news if you don't believe me. We are so caught up in our fashions and social events that we forget about the crisis's that are happening in the third world countries.

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