
In search of somethings never gained and gained

There Will Be Blood directed by Paul Thomas Anderson depicts a story full of greed, lust, dishonor, murder, and most importantly loneliness. In this film we have a motivated by any means man Daniel Plainview played by actor Daniel Day Lewis. In his search for oil during the early years of the American oil rush, Daniel becomes over zealous in his goal to reach god like status. For those of you who have not seen this film pay attention to the meaning of his name and how it relates to the movie. Daniel meaning the judgment of god, and Planview as his surname depicts how he sees people. For those who have seen this movie how has the meaning of complete loneliness brought out in the end of this movie? It is quite apparent when he says the finishing words, " i am finished". With everything he has gained and everything he has lost, how does it relate to achieving a prideful lust of doing anything to get what you want? All in all i thought this movie had some amazing meaning in everything during the film from the cinematography to the names given for the actors to the end scene of the film especially when Daniel makes Eli denounce his status as a prophet of his church. Trust also has a huge part in this film.

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