
Saving others from a sinking ship

The Royal Tenenbaums is another of my favorite movies for its comical adventures, cinematography and its deep meaning to life. This movie is so creatively designed in every aspect to its introduction to its narrating and music to the ending scenes with the amazing heart felt message of living and saving your life and simply changing for the better. We start with a dysfunctional family ranging from three prodigy children in the theater, tennis, and business to intermarriages and relationships. It is quite an interesting movie filed with many big name actors and actresses. As the father who is at the source of much of the families problems decides to fake his fatal illness to stop his wife from divorcing him and marrying another. As time plays out the family realizes the fallacy in his actions and more problems arise. It is at the end of the movie where the message that brings the whole family together is understood if not already realized by the viewer. For those who have seen the movie what are your thoughts on what is written on his grave stone at the end and how does it relate to the movie? For those who have not yet had the chance to watch this great movie pay attention to the relationships each family member has with each other and how the father plays a part in their lives and how that is different at the end of the movie.

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